“For measuring English writing descriptive skill’s eight grade students in junior high school PABAKU Stabat”
Compiled by:
1. Deden Riansyah
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mis Conny, M.Hum as lecturer in writing major.
in arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
1.1. Background of Study
1.2. Identification of the problem
1.3 . Formulation of the problem
1.4. Objectives of the research
1.5. Limitation of the study
1.6. Significance of the study
A. Writing
2.1. The Definition of Writing
2.2. The Process of Writing
2.3. Purposes of Writing
B. Descriptive Text
2.4. The Definition of Descriptive Text
2.5. The Structure and Example of Descriptive Text
C. Picture series
2.6. The Advantages of Picture
2.7. The Procedure of Picture
3.1. Methodology of research
3.2. Population Sample
3.2. Population Sample
3.3. Instrument of the study
3.4 Technique for collecting the data
4.1 Result of Research
A. The Data Description of Pre-Test
B. The Data Description of Post-test
C. Interview Section
4.2 Conclusion of the research
4.3 Suggestion of the research
1.1 Background of Study
Language is very important for someone to communicate with others. Communities need to communicate to understand each other. Therefore, languageis essential for life. Without language, it is impossible to communicate within society.On the other hand, languageas a system of communicationenables humans to cooperate. At the same time language is a part of the culture of a community. Humans use language as a way of signaling identity with one cultural group and difference from others.
As the foreign language, English is an important language in the world. English has become a tool for international communication in transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, process of technology, diplomacy, and scientific research (Nunan in Cahyono, 2010: 91). It is formally thought students of elementary school, junior and senior high school, and even to university . English is just learnt in the school with limit of time. So, an English teacher has to know about strategies in order to get better result in learning. Besides, she or he has to know about strategy or model which must be used to guide the students. The teacher who has important role must guide the students to have creativity in classroom. If strategy is not suitable with situation of the class, the teaching and learning will not be successful.
In junior high school students are young learner. According to Harmer in Cahyono (2011: 13), The students in this ages have several characteristics which are different from adults in learning a language. In this case, they have to learn some texts such as narrative, descriptive, recount, report and procedure texts. Unfortunately, many students of junior high schools are not good enought at writing. The students consider that writing is one of the most difficult language skill because they are demended to express their ideas in written English appropriately. It means that in teaching junior high school students, teachers need to be creative in correlating the main topic to the real situation and students can learn the linguistic features automatically.
1.2 Identification of the problem
The identification of the problem is comprehending the result of the use pictures in order to improve the ability in writing descriptive text of the eight grade students of SMP PABAKU Stabat in Academic Year of 2016/2017.
1.3 Formulation of the problem
Writing skill is one of english skill that must be mastered. Aspecially for students, using great understanding about knowledge of writing text, they take a chance for being a great writer. The problem is in writing text “Descriptive text” students of junior high school. This research implements in matery of junior high school PABAKU Stabat. Having an awareness of it, we feel aware for measuring the students’ skill in writing descriptive text. It’s hoped, students can improve their skill in writing and increase their knowledge about comprehending of steps in writing a great descriptive text.
1.4 Objectives of the Research
Based on the formulation above, the objectives of this research are describing the efforts of using picture media to improve writing skill of the students of Grade VIIISMP PABAKU Stabat Tempel and to investigate whether the students’ writing skill improves significantly through picture media.
1.5 Limitation of the study
To simplify this study, the writer gives limitation as follows:
a)The study is focused on the use of pictures as media to improve and measure students’ proficiency in writing descriptive text.
b)The study will be done only with students of the eight grade students of SMP PABAKU Stabat academic year of 2016/2017.
1.6 The Significance of Study
The researcher hopes this research will give some significance for:
a) English Teacher
This technique can help the teacher to understand the way to handle the students in teaching writing using Picture and picture, and it will give contribution to successful teaching learning English especially in Junior High School.
b) Students
This technique is able to make the students enjoy when they are writing and they do not feel bored. So the students can have creativity to write.
c) Researcher
The researcher will improve her knowledge in teaching method and have experience in conducting classroom action research.
d) Institution
It becomes a source of consideration for the official institutional policy as effort to produce better outcomes especially in improving students’ English writing ability.
A. Writing
2.1 The Definition of Writing
In the English learning, writing is one of thelanguage skills in which thelearners should master. In this part, here is a discussion on the nature of writing,writinga foreign language, English in Vocational High School, writing inVocational High School, and teacher’s roles in teaching writing.
Writing is one of language skills which have to be mastered by thelanguagelearners. In the end of the lesson, the learners are required to produce thewritten product. Brown (2001: 335) describes written products as “the result ofthinking, drafting, and revising procedures that require specialized skills, skillsthat not every speaker develops naturally.”That statement shows that writing isnot a simple and instant process.Therefore, to be able to write something good,students must do a lot of practices. It is done to get them used to write anything inthewellordered steps. There are six steps of creating written work. There aredrafting, structuring, reviewing, focusing, generating ideas and evaluation(Harmer, 2001: 258).
2.2 The Process of Writing
The Process of Writing is not merely instant process. It includes some process to create awriting product. Richards and Renandya proposes four main stages in writing;they are planning, drafting (writing), revising (redrafting) and editing. However,there are three more stages externally imposed on students by teacher; they areresponding (sharing), evaluating, and postThe Writing Process by Richards and Renandya (2002) .Writing process is not a linear process because after the writers plan, draft,and edit, they often replan, redraft, and reedit. Harmer (2004) points out that ittends to a recursive process and represents the process in different way; calledprocess wheel. Below is the figure of the process wheel presented by Harmer(2004).
The figureshows that there are some directions in the process of writing.The final process in this wheel is in final version of writing product.
a) Planning (Prewriting)
Richards and Renandya state that prewriting stage is any activity that canpromote students towrite. Since it is the first stage in writing, the students shouldbe stimulated so that they can get information and ideas what to write.In this stage, Richards and Renandya (2002) suggest, there are someactivities to stimulate the students. The activities are group brainstorming, clustering, rapid free writing, and WHQuestions. In group brainstorming activity,the students are grouped and they spew out any ideas in their mind. There is noright or no answers. It is aimed to flow the idea in students’ mind and after thatthey can select the ideas and then develop the chosen ones into a draft.In developing ideas, Hutchinson (2005) suggests to make writing moreinteresting by developing the ideas clearly and easy to understand, involvingsupplying specific details, examples, and reasons.
The writing process Writing is a process that involves several steps. At least, there are three steps in the writing process mentioned by Karen Blanchard, and Christine Root in their book; Ready to Write: A first Composition Text. Step one: Prewriting Thinking about your topic and organizing your ideas. Step two: Writing Using your ideas to write a first draft. Step Three: Revising Improving what you have written.5 If the writers follow the steps, and practice by writing often, they will find it easier to write paragraphs and to improve their writing. a. Prewriting Prewriting is the thinking, talking, reading, and writing we do about our topic before we write a first draft. Prewriting is a way of warming up our brain before we write, just as we warm up our body before we exercise.
b). Writing
After we have spent some time thinking about our topic and doing the necessary prewriting, we are ready for the next step in the writing process: writing our paragraph. When we write the first draft of our paragraph, use the ideas we generated from prewriting as a guide. As you write, remember to:
1) Begin with a topic sentence that states the main idea.
2) Include several sentences that support the main idea.
3) Stick to the topic.
4) Arrange the sentences so that the order of odeas makes sense.
5) Use signal words to help the reader understan how the ideas in your paragraph are connected.
c). Revising
It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the first try. The first try is called the first draft. After you complete the first draft, you must look for ways to improve it. This step is called revising.8 When students revise, they review their text on the basis of the feedback given in the previous stage. They reexamine what was written to see how effectively they have communicated their meanings to the reader. In another source stated that writing is a process that involves the following steps:
1) Discovering a point-often through prewriting.
2) Developing solid support for the point-often through more prewriting.
3) Organizing the supporting material and writing it out in a first draft.
4) Revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective, error-free paper.
2.3 Purpose of writing
Purposes of writing According to Penny Ur “the purpose of writing, in principle, is the expression of ideas, the conveying of messages to the reader. So the ideas themselves should arguably be seen as the most important aspect in the writing”.10 It means that when the writers do their writing, of course they have some purposes. They have to consider the purpose of their writing since this will influence, not only the type of text they wish to produce, but including the language which they use, and the information that they choose. In addition, there are really only four common purposes in writing they are: to inform, to explain, to persuade, and to amuse others.
a. Writing to Inform
In much of the writing that the writers will do, they will intend simply to inform their readers about a subject. To inform is to transmit necessary information about the subject to the readers, and usually this means just telling the readers what the facts are or what happened. Although informative writing is the simplest kind of writing, it is also one of the most important, because information lays a foundation for other writing purposes. As the writers write to inform, they will want to keep two large concerns in mind; selecting the right information and arranging it effectively.
b. Writing to Explain
Writing to explain means writing to take what is unclear and make it clear. In explanatory writing, a writer who understands a complex topic must take sure that his readers understand it as well. All of us use several common methods of explaining something to another person in our everyday conversation, and these same techniques can provide basic strategies for organizing an explanation in writing.
c. Writing to Persuade
The most important writing we ever do in our personal life, our work life, and may be our school life will probably persuasion. Complaints to the rent board about our landlord, letters of application for jobs, essay on examinations are all likely to involve writing persuasively. Your task in persuasion is to convince your readers to accept the main idea, even though it may be controversial.
d. Writing to Amuse
Others Writing to amuse requires that you focus on readers other than yourself. You may enjoy the experience and take pride in what you accomplish, but you cannot settle for amusing yourself alone.
Writing to amuse gives you an opportunity to bring pleasure to others. Seize the opportunity and make the most of it. If you find pleasure in writing to amuse, it will come from knowing that you succeed in bringing pleasure to others. When write to amuse, your primary object is to make readers enjoy themselves. You can be funny, but you should also be goodhumored. This means having sympathy for human frailty rather than a contempt for anyone or anything that seems different from what you are accustomed to.
B. Descriptive text
2.4. The Definition of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. Its social function is to describe a particular person, place or thing. Description in writing is the process of creating visual images and sensory impression through words. More often, description is a part of another piece of writing and is used to inform an audience about how something or someone looked or to persuade an audience to see something from the writer’s point of view. Description recreates sense impression by translating into words, the feel, sound, taste, smell, and look of things. Emotion may be describing too, feelings such as happiness, fear, loneliness, gloom, and joy. Description helps the reader, through his or her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or an emotion.
2.5. The Structure and Example of Descriptive Text
The generic structures of a description are as follows:
1. Identification : identifies the phenomenon to be described
2. Description of features : describes features in order of importance:
a. Parts/things (physical appearance)
b. Qualities (degree of beauty, excellence, or worth/value)
c. Other characteristics (prominent aspects that are unique).
The generic features of description are:
1. Verb in the present tense
2. Adjective to describe the features of the subject
3. Topic sentences to begin paragraphs and organize the various aspects of the description.
4.The factual description scaffold
1. A general opening statement in the first paragraph
a) This statement introduces the subject of the description to the audience.
b) It can give the audience brief details about the when, where, who, or what of the subject.
2. A series of paragraphs about the subject
a) Each paragraph usually begins with a topic sentence.
b) The topic sentence previews the details that will be contained in the remainder of the paragraph.
c) Each paragraph should describe one feature of the subject
d) These paragraphs build the description of the subject
3. A concluding paragraph (optional)
a) The concluding paragraph signals the end of the text.
4 Example of descriptive text
Mr. Kartolo
Mr. Kartolo is very happy. The rainy season of this year makes the farm beautiful. It is planting time! Rice fields become fresh and green during this season and by the end of this season Mr. Kartolo is ready to harvest his corps.
Mr. Kartolo ploughs the land at the beginning of the rainy season. Then, he usually works early and finishes at noon. Milking the cows, feeding the livestock, and cleaning the barns are among Mr. Kartolo’s duties before breakfast. He does most of the hard outdoor work by himself.
C. Picture series
2.6. The Advantages of Picture
Writing descriptive text with picture design will aid students to imagine the characreristic of the picture. This treatment is so useful to improve students writing ability. It’s meant student will efford to analyse the ficture and use it as a reference for writing descriptive text.
In the following lists, writer will tell advantages of using picture series for writing descriptive text. Namely:
a. Attractive attention
b. Developing interest
c. Adjusting the learning climate
d. Increasing understanding
e. Promoting acceptance (of an idea)
f. Being an interactive activity
2.7 The Procedure of Picture
For the procedure, we will give students several pictures which hoped the students can choose the best one what picture the student love. And all the picture is about human. Such as Mother, Father and an Uncle. If the student had chosen the best on, the student could write the human characteristic from the ficture. For adding idea, students may add the characteristic like their mother , father or uncle’s character or behaviours.
For the writing procedure, students must follow like the writing descriptive’s procedures. Namely: Identification, description and entcentra.
3.1. Methodology of research
This study is conducted at SMP. Panca Abdi Bangsaku (PABAKU) STABAT. This school was chosen as the field of the study because the writer has teaching learning experience during this mini research text was given by the lecturer, so the writer knows the real condition of this school, and the writer can identify the problems in teaching writing more easily. Secondly, the writer suggests that innovation is needed in improving students’ writing ability for the better quality of school.
Object of research
The writer selects the eigh grade students of SMP Panca Abdi Bangsaku VIIIA class which is consists of 30 students in the 2016-2017 academic year as the subjects of the study.
3.2. Population Sample
In junior high school Panca Abdi Bangsaku (PABAKU), there are 3 classes of VII grade students in 2016/2017 academic year. Each of class consists of 30 students, it’s meant (class VIIIA “30 students”, VIIIB “30 students” and VIIIC “30 students”). We will do our research at VIIIA class which has 30 students that consist of male and female students.
3.3 Instrument of the study
For the test of study, we will give several pictures then the students can choose the best one. All the pictures are about human. We choose human character such as mother, father and uncle. Students can choose the best one picture of the three. Before begin writing, we will teach suggestion how to write descriptive text using true procedure and generic structure. We don’t give certain limit time for writing. if the students finish, they may collect it.
But the sudents must write a descriptive text which consist of two or more paragraph and each paragraph consists of five or more sentences. We also use an interview section with the students. In the interview section, we will ask about their problem when write descriptive text. Using the treatment, we can identify their problem with english writing skill.
The images as in the following:
For the interview, we use the following questions: Namely
1. What the matter of writing descriptive text which you have not understood yet?
2. According to you, What the best one that you suppose more excited or to appear your interest for writing descriptive text, using ficture or not?
3. Having explained the generic structure and language fictures of writing descriptive text, what’s the difficult one?
4. Are you excited for writing descriptive text for the next?
5. Would you tell your friends that write descriptive text using pictures is more excited?
3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data
There are 2techniques of data collecting applied in this study, they are giving test and interview in order to support the data of teaching and learning process.
1. The descriptive test using several picture which can be a reference to write descriptive text.
2. Interview is applied for the English teacher before the classroom action research and after classroom action research. It is applied before classroom action research to know the students difficulties in writing skill, the students’ participation in writing class, and the teaching strategy in teaching writing. Meanwhile, it is conducted after classroom action research to know the students’s response about the learning strategy focus on the use of pictures in improving technique of writing text in learning descriptive text.
4.1 Result of Research
This chapter is going to present result of research and discussion after giving treatment in the research. The students’ result in this research becomes a description about successful and unsuccessful way in this research. This part provides data description based on students’ result when they followed test both of pre-test and post-test. Also, there is data description of normality analysis of pre-test before treatment used. Afterward, the data normality analysis of post-test is presented.
This research was done by 20 students as samples. Actually, whole students in the class (8.1 class in Junior High School PABAKU Stabat) consisted of 30 students but our result just applied 20 students as the samples because 10 students could join the mini research due to another school work. So, the precentage of result is measuring from 20 students as the samples.
A. The Data Description of Pre-Test
After the researcher did pre-test for the students, the researcher got the students’ result toward writing descriptive text. In the pre-test, Almost students felt difficult to write english descriptive paragraph due to a little bit knowledge in English writing descriptive text. A lot of students didn’t comprehend to write a great english descriptive paragraph. Especially in distinguish of writing identification and describtion section in the descriptive paragraph.
In pre-test section was just two students who obtained sufficient score. We supposed, the students have been learning english for one year. So, due to the more experience, the two students could write english descriptive paragraph through picture with a sum of paragraph and line that we had presisted, it is two paragraph consist of Identification at first paragraph and Describtion at the second paragraph. And the sum of line each paragraph consist of five lines each paragraph. Look at the data from pre-test below:
Initial Name | The sum of paragraph | Grammartical Mistake |
ESN | UNCP | 5 |
NA | UNCP | 4 |
MS | UNCP | 4 |
DP | UNCP | 5 |
SPS | UNCP | 4 |
MRS | CP | 6 |
FS | UNCP | 5 |
DW | CP | 5 |
SC | UNCP | 3 |
FA | UNCP | 3 |
AD | UNCP | 4 |
W | UNCP | 4 |
MNI | UNCP | 5 |
AP | UNCP | 4 |
MS | UNCP | 2 |
IK | UNCP | 2 |
MFA | UNCP | 4 |
MD | UNCP | 4 |
KIA | UNCP | 6 |
PA | UNCP | 2 |
1. The complete paragraph (CP) : 2 students
2. The uncomplete paragraph (UNCP) : 18 students
3. Grammar mistake (GM) : 90 sentences in grammar mistake
4. Vocabulary mastery (VM) : Low
The following example of students’ results in pre-test can be concluded that they still have difficulties in writing.
“My mother is a beautiful person. My name is susilawati. She is not tall. My mother to wear curtain colour red. My mother to wearglasses. Her colour skin is white. My mother to wear blouse colour green. (Eva’s result)”
We can look at Eva’s resut in writing descriptive paragraph. Among pictures “Mother, Father and Uncle” she chose a picture “Mother”. And in the first paragraph, we can see a lot of grammar mistake in sentences above.
· Calculation of precentage students ability in descriptive text “Pre-test”.
Calculation of precentage students writing descriptive text skill of eight 1 grade students in Junior High School “PABAKU” Stabat (Pre-test). Look at the following result/ calculation.
a. Precentage of students’ writing descriptive skill with complete paragraph rules.
Precentage = 100% : N x F
Precentage = 100% : 20 x 2
Precentage = 10%
Based on the precentage above, Writing descriptive text skill of eight 1 grade students in junior high school Pabaku Stabat is too low. This pre-test, the students wrote the descriptive paragraph was nothing ficture media as a reference. But in post-test, we applied Fictures as a reference for writing descriptive text.
b. Precentage of students’ sentences grammartical errors/ mistake
Precentage = 100% : NWS x GM
Precentage = 100% : 200 x 90
Precentage = 45%
B. The Data Description of Post-test
The data description of post-test has derived from the result of post test. The students were required to write descriptive text. In this case, the written text used concept freewriting as the strategy to write before producing the descriptive text. This section involved general aspect and detail information about desriptive text. We tough the generic structure and language ficture of descriptive text. The action of teaching all students were done evidently and well by the researcher. Especially, the researches had prepared all material completely, so in action we could do maximally.
Having explained more detain in how to write descriptive text using presist generic structure and language ficture, we do the post-test. We gave the students a papper that consisted of three human ficture such as mother, father and uncle. And then, the students could choose the best one ficture and describe the ficture being two paragraph. The students could write the human ficture body appearances, clothes, each sides of the ficture and the human characteristic.
In paragraph two, students must write “Description” paragraph. It’s meant, the students must analyse the human characteristic of the ficture. For reference in writing human characteristic, the students can remind all characteristic of their mother, father or uncle. So the students must felt easy for writing paragraph two “about human characteristic”.
In post-test, results of research are better than the pre-test. It’s meant, students were able for mastering english description text through ficture after obtained the detail explanation about descriptive text. Look at the results below, namely:
Initial Name | The sum of paragraph | Grammartical Mistake |
ESN | CP (10) | 5 |
NA | CP (10) | 4 |
MS | UNCP (7) | 4 |
DP | UNCP (6) | 1 |
SPS | UNCP (3) | 2 |
MRS | CP (10) | 1 |
FS | UNCP (8) | 2 |
DW | CP (10) | 1 |
SC | CP (10) | 3 |
FA | CP (10) | 1 |
AD | CP (10) | 1 |
W | UNCP (8) | 2 |
MNI | CP (10) | 1 |
AP | UNCP (8) | 1 |
MS | UNCP (9) | 2 |
IK | UNCP (7) | 2 |
MFA | CP (10) | 1 |
MD | CP (10) | 1 |
KIA | CP (10) | 2 |
PA | CP (10) | 3 |
1. The complete paragraph (CP) : 12 students
2. The uncomplete paragraph (UNCP) : 8 students
3. Grammar mistake (GM) : 40 sentences in grammar mistake
4. Vocabulary mastery (VM) : Low
The following example of student’s result in pre-test can be concluded that they were better in writing.
“My mother is beautiful. She wears green shirt. My mother has little eyes. She is a teacher. My mother is tall.(Melvita’s result)”
In above paragraph is a first paragprah that written by Melvita dewi. The sentences paragraph were complete with awesome grammartical correct.
“My sister is smart person. Her name is Putri Novita. She is not tall neither short. She wears veil. She also wears glasses. Her skin colour is white. And she brings a yellow book. (Widodo’s result)”
Another student’s result who obtained more and great understanding in writing english descriptive text is a student named ‘Widodo’.
· Calculation of precentage students ability in descriptive text “post-test”.
Calculation of precentage students writing descriptive text skill of eight 1 grade students in Junior High School “PABAKU” Stabat. Look at the following result/ calculation.
a. Precentage of students’ writing descriptive skill with complete paragraph rules.
Precentage = 100% : N x CP
Precentage = 100% : 20 x 12
Precentage = 60%
b. Precentage of students’ sentences grammartical errors/ mistake
Precentage = 100% : NWS x GM
Precentage = 100% : 200 x 40
Precentage = 20%
“Explanation of codes above:
N = Number of students
CP = Complete Paragraph
NWS = Number of Whole Sentences
GM = Grammar mistake”
C. Interview Section
In interview section, the research wanted to evaluate the students’ comprehending and feel after the study and test. Through this section, we hoped, students afford to increase their self and be aware in their skill for writing text, especially in descriptive text. Through this section, the researhers also obtained their feels and reasons in using pictures to write descriptive text.
This section was done by us through 5 interview questions. The questions namely:
1. What the matter of writing descriptive text which you have not understood yet?
2. According to you, What the best one that you suppose more excited or to appear your interest for writing descriptive text, using ficture or not?
3. Having explained the generic structure and language fictures of writing descriptive text, what’s the difficult one?
4. Are you excited for writing descriptive text for the next?
5. Would you tell your friends that write descriptive text using pictures is more excited?
Look at the following reactions from several students :
1. Saya mengerti cara menulis descriptive text karena sangat menyenangkan.
2. Saya tertarik menggunakan gambar manusia karena mudah untuk di jelaskan.
3. Saya mengerti menulis descriptive text karena sangat menyenangkan.
4. Ya, saya tertarik untuk menulis descriptive text.
5. Tidak, karena teman saya belum mengerti. (Fadilla Syahputra’s reactions)
1. Ya, saya sudah sedikit mengerti.
2. Ya, karena mudah untuk menyusun kalimatnya.
3. Yang sulit cara menyusun kalimat bahasa inggrisnya dan mengarangnya.
4. Ya, karena membuat kita menjadi pintar untuk menulis descriptive text.
5. Ya, karena menulis descriptive text menggunakan gambar lebih asyik. (Mega Suyanda’s reactions)
1. Ya, saya sudah sedikit mengerti buat di pahami.
2. Ya, saya sangat tertarik dengan gambarnya.
3. Mengatur bahasanya yang sangat sulit dan cara mengarang katanya yang paling sulit.
4. Ya, saya tertarik untuk mengerjakan descriptive text.
5. Ya, saya membantu teman saya untuk mengerjakan descriptive text tersebut. Dan gambarnya sangat mengasyikan, membuat saya lebih mengerti. (Salwa Chairunnisa’s reactions)
4.2 Conclusion
After finishing the whole steps of this classroom action research (CAR) at a junior high school class in PABAKU Stabat, it can be concluded based on the results of this research above. This research meant to measure mastering students english writing descriptive text in eight grade students Junior High School “PABAKU” Stabat.
We can see detail information above in “result of precentage” between the pre-test and post-test. At first, students are difficult to write an english descriptive text. It was realized by the precentage “10%” in students’ complete paragraph rule. And “45%” the precentage of grammar mistake in their sentences paragraph.
But, in the second test “post test” after tought the students about how to write english descriptive text using persist the descriptive text’s generic structure and also it’s language features, the students felt more good for obtaining great understanding in writing descriptive text. It can a be looked by the second test percentage. There are “60%” the percentage of students’ achievement in writing descriptive text by persist sum of sentences each the paragraph. Then, “20%” the percentage of their grammar mistake.
So, we can look at the swelling of the percentage above. 10% in the first test been 60% in the second test (Upgraded 50%), then 45% grammar mistake in the first test been 20% the percentage of their grammar mistake (Reducted 25%).
And then, lets look at the result/ reactions from the students above in interview section. It clearly explained that after obtained a direction in writing descriptive text with picture media, almost all students said “So Excaited” to write descriptive text using pictures as their reference. Because, actually the picture we used to appear the students’ interest in writing descriptive text. It’s proved by the students’ reaction in interview section.
4.3 Suggestion
For the suggestion, the researcher can conclude through the students’ reaction in interview section. For exampel the student said “The difficult one in this test is just to arrange the sentences and translate it to English”. We can provide the suggestion to the student so that be easier, you may increase your vocabulary and grammar mastery.
So, how to realise it? For the tips, you can learn in how to use suffixes and prefixes to convert english vocabulary in different types. Exampel Word “Different” as “adjective”, you can put suffixes like “Difference” being “a noun”, Differently being “an adverb” and reducting the suffixe be “Differ” as “a verb”. I supposed, this is a great way for increasing students’ vocabulary mastery.
APPENDIX | |||||||||
Appendix 1 | |||||||||
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